Our vision is…
to see all elective abortions outlawed State by State. In keeping with God’s natural law and the constitutions of our republics, States will use their authority to guarantee a right to life and equal protection of their laws to all preborn humans.
Our mission is…
to train fellow servants to speak up for those who have no voice, call on our magistrates to abolish abortion, and rescue our preborn neighbors at the gates of death.
Core Values
Trust God: We recognize that God can use our efforts despite our inefficiencies and circumstances that are not ideal. We look to him to help us accomplish more than we can on our own.
Truth and Love: We will not sacrifice the truth to preserve people’s feelings, and we will not sacrifice people’s feelings with how we share the truth.
Integrity: We will not slant the facts. The ends do not justify the means.
Ambassadors: We will focus on humility, gentleness, and respect as ambassadors for the Lord (2 Cor. 5:20, 1 Pet. 3:15).
United for Life is a church ministry, and donations are tax-deductible.
Meet the Director

Since 2006 John Michener has spoken at hundreds of schools, churches, and community organizations on the topic of abortion. He has spent thousands of hours interacting with abortion advocates on university campuses across the United States and interposing at abortion deathcamps. As a professional educator, John will soon have you out of your seat and on your feet to defend your preborn neighbors.
John is the past President of the Oklahoma Conservative PAC. He is an author and columnist, and before becoming a full-time minister, he served in the administration of Oklahoma Christian University. He previously taught speech and debate.
John was raised in the church of Christ tradition, and he is an ordained minister of the Gospel. He and his family are active in a home-based church in Oklahoma City. He and his first wife, who is also his Chief Wife and only wife of nearly three decades, have homeschooled their children who are also active in the ministry.