Abolition abortion Pro-Life State Legislation

Abortion in Oklahoma: Status and Recap

The compromised laws of Governor Kevin Stitt and legislative leaders leave thousands of babies unprotected and subject to murder by abortion in coming years.

Abolition abortion Pro-Life

Roe’s Reversal in Oklahoma…IF

Preborn inmates on Death Roe await the Governor’s pardon.

Abolition abortion Pro-Life State Legislation

Yet Another Signing Ceremony

Ownership is not ownership if nothing is actually possessed.  You can holler, “That’s my lunch money!” but the bully still has it until you take it back, and he’s not likely to hand it over just because you keep asking.  This is the fundamental flaw in the Pro-life Movement’s SCOTUS-centered paradigm.

Abolition abortion Evangelism Pro-Life

Why Bother?

Are we better than the prophets, that they should listen to us? Why bother if they are not going to listen anyway?

Abolition abortion Evangelism Pro-Life

Life at the Gates of Death

Those who have never kept vigil at an abortion deathcamp may have trouble imagining the scene.  They ask, What goes on down there?  What’s it like?

Abolition Pro-Life Uncategorized

Abortion Bowl: the 50th Overtime

Roe v. Wade kicked off the never-ending political football game of legal abortion.

Abolition abortion Pro-Life

Stop Worshipping SCOTUS

Pro-life politicians keep offering human sacrifices to the gods of state and federal judges.

Abolition abortion Pro-Life

Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God, A Judicial Update

When executives refuse to stand up to judicial bullies, the bullies keep bullying.  In this case they keep getting away with murder.

Abolition abortion Advocacy Pro-Life

Statement on Gov. Stitt’s Joining Amicus Brief

Pro-life media outlets are abuzz over the arguments being made in briefs filed with the Supreme Court of the United States in a high-profile abortion case.

Abolition abortion Advocacy executive order Pro-Life

Executive Shell Game

The game is a con. We always lose. Abolition is not under the court shell because of stare decisis, and abolition is not under the legislative shell because they have no power to enforce it.