Abolition abortion Advocacy Pro-Life

Can Popular Vote Legitimize Murder? – An Indecent Proposal

The practical, political, and philosophical problems with putting the question of abortion to a vote of the people.

Abolition abortion Advocacy Pro-Life

Are Pro-Life Regulators the Enemy?

Do we wait for the silver bullet that will kill abortion, or do we keep chipping away at Roe? This may be one of the most important questions we have ever been asked.

Abolition Pro-Life

Friendly Fire and Killing the Equal Protection and Equal Justice Act – The Rest of the Story

Among the grassroots faithful, the paradigm has shifted to abolition, a mindset that says: “We have not done all we can do. We can criminalize all abortion, enforce those laws, and ignore wicked court opinions.”

Abolition Advocacy Pro-Life Uncategorized

Oklahoma Senate Kills the Equal Protection and Equal Justice Act – a special report

“We have to be bold; we have to be obedient. Keep discipling your senators and representatives. Now is not the time to be quiet,” said Sen. Hamilton.

Abolition Advocacy Pro-Life

Theological Social Distancing?

We find that those who refuse to co-labor in the work to abolish abortion tend to be ignoring the issue altogether.

Abolition Advocacy Pro-Life

Apples ≠ Oranges

It does not logically follow that because God gave us the ability to choose, God therefore approves of any choice we make.

Abolition Pro-Life

Bearing the Sword in Vain

Those who commit murder by abortion have nothing to fear because every arm of our government currently bears the sword in vain.

Abolition Advocacy Evangelism Pro-Life

The Gospel is a Verb

If we are serious about saving lives and saving souls, then we must go beyond debating the nouns to living the verbs.

Abolition Pro-Life Uncategorized


The Pro-Life Political Party protects abortion. “PRO-CHOICE IS PRO-LIFE”

Abolition Pro-Life

Oklahoma Murders Texans

In the seemingly endless political football game of abortion, are we loving our preborn neighbors when we elect, support, and defend officials who keep calling the wrong plays and losing the game?