Abolition abortion Advocacy Pro-Life

The Elephant in the Womb

GOP policies are protecting abortion in Republican-controlled states.

Abolition abortion Advocacy Pro-Life

Crime and Punishment

How could the number of abortions have increased if so many states have banned abortion?  The answer lies in the crime and punishment partnership.

Abolition abortion Advocacy Pro-Life State Legislation

Abortion: Supply or Demand Problem?

There will never be enough statutory fingers and toes to plug all the supply-side holes in the pro-life dike.

Abolition abortion Evangelism Pro-Life

Why Bother?

Are we better than the prophets, that they should listen to us? Why bother if they are not going to listen anyway?

Abolition Advocacy Pro-Life

“I’m pro-life, but what about…?”

There is never a reason to murder a preborn person by abortion. Does this statement make you feel uncomfortable? Do you find yourself thinking, “But what about life-threatening situations?”

Abolition Advocacy Pro-Life

Back to Basics: Biology & Belief

The rationale is inescapable. Either there is no God, so we can rape, we can steal, and we can abort babies with impunity; or there is a God, and we are in big trouble for protecting murder by abortion in our state.

Abolition Advocacy Pro-Life

Abortion Buyers: Victims or Criminals?

Some evangelical Christians claim that with rare exception, women who get abortions are victims, not criminals. But is that true?

Abolition abortion Pro-Life

Majorities to Mandate Murder

Some believe in democracy—that the majority can vote to legitimize evil.

Abolition abortion Pro-Life

Roe-like Ruling of OK Supreme Court

This opinion was clearly designed to open the bloody floodgates in Oklahoma. This merry-go-round will not stop until these tyrannical bullies are thrown off their playground thrones.

Abolition abortion Pro-Life State Legislation

State Stork Support?

Sin is neither caused nor cured by external circumstances… It is not an either-or proposition.  God expects both mercy and justice.

Abolition abortion Advocacy executive order Pro-Life State Legislation

Groundhog Day & the Winter of Abortion

Magistrates must repent and finally end the winter of abortion.


Long-range Snipers to Perform Abortions?

The joke only works because nearly everyone assumes that abortion is now criminal in Red States like Oklahoma.  If everyone knew the truth, the joke would not work.

Abolition abortion Pro-Life State Legislation

Pro-life Chickens Roost at Oklahoma State University

She bought the pill, used it to murder her baby, then delivered her victim into the toilet.

Abolition abortion Pro-Life

Senator Warren Hamilton Named “Wilberforce Champion”

The needless compromise of our Republican officials has turned the abortion pill into a State-sanctioned coat hanger.