Abolition abortion Evangelism Pro-Life

Life at the Gates of Death

Those who have never kept vigil at an abortion deathcamp may have trouble imagining the scene.  They ask, What goes on down there?  What’s it like?

Abolition Pro-Life Uncategorized

Abortion Bowl: the 50th Overtime

Roe v. Wade kicked off the never-ending political football game of legal abortion.

Abolition abortion executive order State Legislation

Old Habits, New Resolutions

Legislators ought to use instructive admonition, political pressure, and financial leverage to move State executives to abolish abortion.

Abolition abortion Pro-Life

Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God, A Judicial Update

When executives refuse to stand up to judicial bullies, the bullies keep bullying.  In this case they keep getting away with murder.

Abolition Pro-Life

Reexamining the Abolition of Abortion in Oklahoma Act

Inaccurate information has popped up from traditional news sources and on social media regarding the Abolition of Abortion in Oklahoma Act. Here is a brief recap of the AAOA along with answers to frequently asked questions.

Abolition Pro-Life

The Equal Protection and Equal Justice Act

Lady Justice, an important symbol in our legal system, is a visual representation of the type of justice we want: Equal Justice.

Abolition Pro-Life

From Apathy to Action

“It all started when, like in the GEICO commercial, I was raised in a snow globe. In fact, I did not know any sinners. Sure, our congregation had a token alcoholic, but that was it.”

Abolition Advocacy Pro-Life

A Plan for the Governor to Abolish Abortion

Eventually executives will have to block or cross the abortionist’s property line to uphold the higher laws. The Allies were trespassing at Auschwitz.

Abolition Advocacy Pro-Life

Governors Need Not Wait to Abolish Abortion

Governor Stitt need not wait for the legislature or the court to give him permission to halt the bloodshed of abortion.

Abolition Advocacy Pro-Life

The Alamo & Abolition

The Alamo security guard, crowned with a ten-gallon cowboy hat and sporting a ringed, five-point star badge, announced that the State of Texas had taken over the property on which I stood. He demanded that I remove myself down the street and over a railing to practice free speech…or go to jail.