
Are we silent about abortion?

Can we defend our preborn neighbors without offending others or being weird?

Is abortion ever justified?

How do we end the heinous practice of abortion?

These are questions many Christians have.  Furthermore, it is not enough for Christians to know the answers; we should also approach others with those answers.

The apostle Paul says, “Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.  Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (Col. 4:5-6).

In a world full of questions and doubt about tough topics like abortion, we must be prepared “to answer each person.”

From a brief crash course, to a complete interactive workshop, we can customize a training program that will meet your needs.  Our training in apologetics will prepare your group to give an answer that is “seasoned with salt.”

United for Life is a perfect partner for churches, clubs, private schools, and homeschool families seeking to disciple their members to become ambassadors for life.


You are called to speak up for the voiceless and rescue those being led to death.  Let us teach you to:

  • Create gracious & persuasive conversation
  • Make moral & legal cases for life
  • Answer the most difficult questions of abortion advocates
  • Call on magistrates to abolish murder by abortion
  • Intercede for the preborn at the gates of death

We Offer

  • Pulpit sermons
  • Chapel & event presentations
  • Training workshops
  • Sunday school classes
  • College seminars
  • High school units
  • Outreach & mission trips

Request an Engagement: [email protected]